February 13, 2010

the great love

I was in my basement and came across something my grandmother made two summers ago, which has yet to be framed. The notion that a woman in her 70s was able to make that with such preciseness is perplexing. I can't even cut a straight line.

Her artwork reminded me of God and His carefulness and love when He created me. The moment brought me shame when I thought of all the complaints I had about myself. Too often I concentrated on my imperfections (as viewed by the human eye) that it slipped my mind that I'm a big screaming deal to God. That I was created to have an intimate fellowship with Him not because of what I am but because of what He is.

Praise God and His great love.

February 10, 2010

ivory lane

I watched and saw from my window pane
How they lightly danced
How they jovially flew
How they flickered so white
How they blurred my sight
How they slowly grew
How they swiftly drew
A picturesque of an ivory lane.
Karen Mae Pagulong

February 5, 2010

a cheerful heart

A simple hi is sometimes more than enough for me, especially when it's a pleasant surprise.

It was during math class when it all happened. I was pulling out my graphic calculator from my backpack and when I turned it on, the word HI appeared on the screen. Had someone gone through my bag? I knew it wasn't me because I'd never type such a word, or anything, before turning off the calculator.

Maybe I should have been on the alert for the unknown individual who was responsible for this but I can't help but say that simple greeting brightened my time, even for a moment, in the class that mentally drains me.

On another note, happy birthday to my padre.

As one of my traditions, I jazzed up the living room with balloons that were manually blown and hung from the ceiling. Although I have a mondo fear for them, which grew even more when one popped in my face today, it's my third year doing this and once again I'm glad I overcame this fear because colorful balloons always cheer up a heart.