February 5, 2010

a cheerful heart

A simple hi is sometimes more than enough for me, especially when it's a pleasant surprise.

It was during math class when it all happened. I was pulling out my graphic calculator from my backpack and when I turned it on, the word HI appeared on the screen. Had someone gone through my bag? I knew it wasn't me because I'd never type such a word, or anything, before turning off the calculator.

Maybe I should have been on the alert for the unknown individual who was responsible for this but I can't help but say that simple greeting brightened my time, even for a moment, in the class that mentally drains me.

On another note, happy birthday to my padre.

As one of my traditions, I jazzed up the living room with balloons that were manually blown and hung from the ceiling. Although I have a mondo fear for them, which grew even more when one popped in my face today, it's my third year doing this and once again I'm glad I overcame this fear because colorful balloons always cheer up a heart.