Me: My friend's still sleeping and I'm editing her paper while listening to Christmas songs<3
Friend: That's cute that you had a little sleepover :P What kind of Christmas're a tad early.
Me: Christmas songs that don't mention Santa Claus. I have this theory...that Claus is a tad bit creepy.
Friend: Why is he a tad creepy?
Me: An old man knows where all the "good kids" live...enters their homes through chimneys. What if there wasn't a chimney? Kick down the door like Hagrid?
Friend: Naw he just does that thing that wizards do I forgot what it was...Appareateor something like that.
Me: Ewww he should go retire and spend more time with his wife instead of bonding with the reindeers and finding children's homes!!
Friend: Maybe his wife divorced him.
A perfectly normal conversation on a Saturday morning in Rutgers.